Last updated: 15th Jan, 2024


An introduction to the Quick Rigs, and how to retarget to a custom Actor to receive RADiCAL Live Data.

Please note: this is for a non-Metahuman Actor. Please see the respective guide for a Metahuman to cover that topic.

Supports Unreal Engine Versions: 5.2, 5.3

Time to complete: 10-15 minutes.

Set up

By default, BP_RadicalActor from the Plugin is able to interpret and work with both Simulation and Live data.

However you are very likely wanting to use your own characters for your own projects. Doing this requires using the Unreal Engine process of Retargeting from the Source onto a Target.

For new people jumping into Unreal Engine, the process of retargeting your Characters might not feel as straight forwards. To help alleviate some of the frustrations, and to help artists “jump-in” to creating and doing their best work, we’ve developed a number of Quick Rigs, which help truncate the tedium of IKRig defining, and Retargeting.

Using the latest Plugin, we support the following Quick Rigs:

These are primarily for outsourced, 3D models and rigs which are common to download. These are different from one another, so if you are using a Ready Player Me Actor in your scene, you should use the respective IKRig and Retargeter.

If there is a Quick Rig that is missing for your Actor, you can still bring your data into your project, only you will have to make the IKRig and Retargeter yourself. Likewise, we are looking to add more Quick Rigs in the future.

I’ll showcase the Quick Rigs, and then I’ll showcase how to make them yourselves to allow your own directed customisation.

Start with importing your own Actor into Unreal Engine, setting the skeletal Asset as RadicalDefaultChar_S.

You can leave all other settings at their default.


Using Quick Rigs