Last updated: 11th March, 2024


How to update or roll back to a different version of the Plugin.

Supports Blender Versions: 2.83 and up

Time to complete: 5 minutes,

Set up

We frequently update our plugins with new features, bug fixes, and community suggestions. We always encourage you to update your plugins, and we structure our tutorials and guidance assuming this.

Inversely, you might want to rollback an update to a previous version for whatever reason.

Updating the plugins is as easy as installing the plugins as the process remains the same.

Updating the Plugin

Return to the Add-ons menu within the Blender Preferences, via Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.

Search for RADiCAL Live. There you can either de-activate the Plugin by pressing the Check box, or remove the Plugin directly through the Remove Button.


Then, you simply need to install your new Plugin via the same way you did with the prior.

Install button on the top right, navigate to your Plugin, and bring in the Zip folder.